Elevate Your Workwear: Dress for the Job You Want in 2023

style tips workwear Jan 19, 2023

Many of us have heard the phrase “dress for the job you want, not the job you have.” This is sound advice, as the way you dress can have a major impact on how you are perceived in the workplace. Whether you’re a recent college graduate looking to make a good impression or an experienced professional aiming to get ahead, here are some tips to help you dress for the job you want.

Tip #1: Research the dress code: this can be for your current employer or for the workplace you are aiming to join. This will give you a good starting point in terms of what to wear; once you know what’s expected, you can use it as a guideline to create an outfit that looks professional and polished.

For the typical "business casual" office, here's an example of how you can take your everyday look one level up:

Tip #2: When selecting clothing, choose classic pieces in colors that balance your "season". Not sure if you're a muted-tones autumn or a high-contrast winter?...

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